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Announcement Archive

ArchieMD develops educational applications for a number of target audiences which includes students, health consumers and health professionals.In order to customize our products to these respective markets, we employ nationally recognized education and subject matter experts. We also conduct extensive research in conjunction with schools and medical centers to ensure that our products are engaging, effective and well suited to the end user.


July 2012

ArchieMD is proud to announce that the innovative Medrills product is now available on Google Play! Currently applications for Obtaining IV Access, NCD for Pneumothorax, Medication Port, and Cricothyroidotomy are available for download. View the links below and check back often for more updates.

Multimedia Trauma Training

March 2012

ArchieMD recently launched the Multimedia Trauma Training program at The Association for Surgical Education and the Association of Program Directors in Surgery. On March 20-24, 2012 the new product was on display and demonstration at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, in San Diego, CA. The innovative modules were also used for the presentation of an abstract by the University of Miami at the conference.

ArchieMD is proud to announce that this product is now available for licensing to universities and health institutions. Please follow the links below for more information and check back often for updates.


Before March 2012

ArchieMD's past news and announcements.

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